Volume 19, No. 2, 2022
Work Stress Management In The Preview Of Covid19 Pandemic
Angelo B. Dalaguit , Azucena L. Cabanero
In everyday undertakings especially at this time of Covid-19 Pandemic, it could be possible to experience pressure. The body’s response to pressure is called stress. A survey was conducted to 31 office workers comprising of 11 male and 20 female, and 21 teachers composing of 9 male and 12 female to assess the amount of stress experienced in the workplace brought about by the pandemic and the ways employed in order to mitigate. A closed ended questionnaire was distributed to those who are willing to participate in the survey. Result showed a mean of 3.78: SD 0.858 on the pressure of job obligations such as the increase of workload, meeting deadlines for office workers and teachers with the changes of the curriculum and the modalities in teaching and learning process although the freedom to do at their best is encouraged a mean of 4.49: SD 0.7485 describe as often experienced. Effects on their physical health revealed a mean of 1.92: SD 1.026 describes as occasionally this a result of diversion activities employed getting a mean of 2.75: SD 1.318 describe as sometimes done. It is also revealed that eating good food, enough exercise, relaxing activities, sleeping, making time for hobbies, and talking out problems can help relieve stress while drinking alcohol and smoking won’t help at all. It is concluded that in this hard time everyone need to relieve from stress by having enough sleep, exercise and adequate diet and taking vitamins to boast the immune system and prevent virus infection.
Pages: 3448-3455
Keywords: Stress at work, Administration and Supervision, Descriptive study, Cebu Technological University San Francisco, Cebu, Philippines