Volume 19, No. 2, 2022
Integration Of Patient Medical Record Data Between Health Centers
Harco Leslie Hendric Spits Warnars , Erwin Phanglius , Mahendra Dwisaputra , Rizki Dhermawan , Eric Stefanus Suwarno
We proposed a model platform that can unite all health centers in Jakarta to share data with the patient as it will benefit the patient, the health workers, and the government. When you are sick and come to the practicing doctor, you will get the same problems: queues. Besides that, you are faced with the same repeated questions such as the history of illness and drug allergy if you are a new patient, especially for the problem of queues, especially during the Covid19 pandemic, where people gathering is prohibited everyone must keep their distance. In this case, public health centers or healthcare centers, clinics, and sometimes recognized as community health centers or PUSKESMAS (Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat) must unite to share patient care health information queues and patient handling. Besides this, it can protect the patients themselves in an emergency, and competition between health workers can run fairly and be more professional. The business process was designed using a Use case diagram, while the database model was designed using a class diagram.
Pages: 3382-3394
Keywords: Health information systems; sharing public health data; Healthcare information systems.