Volume 19, No. 2, 2022
Factors Affecting Students' Academic Performance: A Case Study Of Secondary Schools Of Makran Division Balochistan, Pakistan
Najeeb Ullah , Prof. Dr. Abdul Sattar Almani
Students’ performance is not only influenced by the talent of nature but also several factors that are involved for better performance. For the social and economic improvement of the society and nation as a whole, it is mandatory to provide quality education for our children. This study aims to assess and explore school and students related factors that are affecting the student secondary school performance in Makran division, Balochistan. To obtain data questionnaires were administrated to the 650 secondary school students and 200 teachers. Furthermore,24 headteachers were selected for the data collection as a purposive sampling technique. In this regard, different factors were highlighted. Data were analyzed with the help of the statistical package for Social Sciences (SPSS)23. The Pearson Correlation Coefficient was used to check the relation of independent variables (school-related factors and students-related factors) on the dependent variable (students' performance). The result revealed that there is a positive correlation among the school, students related factors, and the students' academic performance at the range of .474**, .223**, and .186 respectively with the significant level at 0.01. Similarly, a regression test was applied to check the impact of independent variables and on the dependent variable of the students' performance. The regression test of the school factors shows that (β=.186, p=. 001). That shows that the beta value is less than (p-value 0.05) and similarly, students' intrinsic factors showed that (β=.223, p=. 001). Beta value is less than (p-value 0.05). Thus the result revealed that there is a significant impact of school-related factors and students' intrinsic factors on students 'academic performance in secondary schools of Makran division in Balochistan. This study determines the most important factors that have a massive influence on students' academic performance were: Insufficient teachers, Lack of reading and teaching materials in school, for the students, untrained teachers, and learning environment in school, inadequate classrooms, weak school management. The based-on study it is recommended the following suggestions, the government should provide school facilities timely, need to ensure availability of qualified teachers, adequate teaching and learning materials, enough classrooms for the students, and laboratory devices in secondary schools, with conducive learning and friendly environment at schools, are the factors that affect the students' performance at the secondary school level.
Pages: 2749-2764
Keywords: Student's Performance, School-related factors, Students-related factors.