Volume 18, No. 5, 2021
A Study On Perceptional Motivation Factors Influencing To Buy Organic Foods With Special Reference To Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh State, India
Prof.J.Katyayani , Ms.S. Sreedevi , Dr.G.Latha
The present generation mainly focused on sustainability on public health, and struggling for healthy and a beautiful environment. Present decade these have disturbed with so many factors and it creates motivation to have knowledge on organic food and environmental problems in field of any sector maybe government and nongovernment organisations. Consumer perception towards the organic food because of their life style, consciousness about the environment and health benefits. Most of these lost trust on company products and prefer local products from farmers and sometimes only specialised organic super markets and also they tried to find out difference between organic and nonorganic with label and certificates. Now a day’s consumers prefer on health, nutrition, food quality and they changed choice towards organically grown foods which is healthier and safer than conventional food products. In this paper the researcher touch the concept of how the consumer was motivated towards organic foods in chittoor district, for this purpose researcher made an attempt and collected first hand data with the sample of 100 respondents. Later the data was analysed and tabulated with statistical methods.
Pages: 126-137
Keywords: Traditional, Conventional food, Organic food, Consumers, Sustainability, Statistical tools.