Volume 18, No. 5, 2021

Comparative Analysis Of Task Scheduling Algorithms In Cloud Environment In Term Of Their Future Prospective And Risk

Dr. Sunil Kumar , Dr. Subhash Chander


In the present scenario, due to covid19 pandemic dependents on the computer have increased at rapid speed, which can access from growth level gained by IT companies. For the processing of different applications, there are two types of environments Centralized or Distributed. Distributed Environments originate in reality in various avatars in the field of computing for example Grid Computing, Utility computing, Cloud Computing. Cloud computing is an evolving technology that is a virtual pool of resources and is provided to users on a pay-per-use basis without the burden of managing the infrastructure. For the best utilization of resources, efficient task scheduling is a major issue from the last eras, and amply task scheduling algorithms have been proposed for this purpose by well-known researchers. The problem of discovering an optimal feasible allocation is known to be NP-Hard and Heuristic techniques have found the optimal Solutions so this paper gives the extensive study of various heuristic task scheduling algorithms especially in terms of future perspectives and risks associated with them.

Pages: 115-125

Keywords: Cloud Computing, Task Scheduling, Distributive Environment, Resource Utilization

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