Volume 2, No 1, 2005
Information Searching Habits of Internet Users: A Case Study on the Medical Sciences University of Isfahan, Iran
Asefeh Asemi
This article reports a survey on the search habits of Internet users at the Medical University of Isfahan (MUI), a governmental university in Isfahan city, Iran. Efforts are on to find the search requirements related to the use of the Internet information. Data were collected by using a questionnaire and follow-up interviews with Internet users from five faculties. Results show that all the respondents are using the Internet frequently because all faculties have provided connection to the Internet. It is revealed that the researchers of MUI are getting quality information through the Internet. Fifty-five percent of respondents search for scientific information through the Internet because the university library has provided access to various databases and online journals for all students and staff. They use the Internet in different ways, such as accessing to online journals, downloading software or text, chatting, discussion, E-mail services and for finding related references. It was unveiled that the Internet services are normally used for research. Also it is observed that the Google and Yahoo search engines are more widely used compared to other search engines. The analysis reveals that 54 percent of Internet users always find useful information on the Internet. Thirty-one percent of respondents believed that quality information is available on the Internet and finally, 35% of the studied population use print, online and offline form of information for updating their subject knowledge.
Pages: 1-11
Keywords: Internet usage, Internet access, Search engines, Search strategy, Information searching, Browsers, Digital information, Iran