Volume 15, No 1, 2018
Visualizing Subjective Mapping in the Field of E-book Publishing in the Context of Users and Librarians
Sepideh Fahimifar, Elaheh Hosseini and Abdolreza Noroozi Chakoli
The present paper reports the findings of a research which aimed to visualize subjective mapping of "e-books" in the context of users and libraries. The research is a kind of scientometrics studies via qualitative content analysis method. Node XL software was used to visualize the map. The research community included all papers in the subjective field of "e-books" in the context of users and libraries which were published in the journals indexed in the EBSCO database during 2005-2011. Results show that subjects of "e-books (general)", "e-book readers" and "electronic textbook" are the most important subjects which are allocated mental disturbances related to users through the papers. Moreover, in the field of "e-textbooks" the strongest subjective connections are related to "students and usages". Moreover, "students" and "children" are as the most important stratum. Furthermore, survey on the usage rate of e-books and analysis statistics of their usage are as the most significant discussions that are considered from library-related approach. Additionally, the current situation of e-books in public and academic libraries is accentuated by researchers as another predominant subject. Visualizing subjective mapping including the mentioned contexts is not revealed by previous studies. Hence, it is included a novel contribution.
Pages: 88-107
Keywords: E-books; Subjective mapping; EBSCO database; Users; Libraries; Information visualization