Volume 18, No. 3, 2021
Role Of Iot In Transformation Of Marketing: A Quantitative Study Of Oppurtunities And Challenges
Dr. Priyanka Sehgal , Dr, Bhushan Kumar , Maheshwari Sharma , Anas A. Salameh , Sumit Kumar , Dr. P. Asha
IoT refers to Internet of Things, the official definition of IoT defines it as a system connecting computing devices which has the capability of transferring data over a network without any human interaction. All the devices we use in our daily lives have some use of IoT. This helps marketers or marketing companies to efficiently interact with their user base. In today’s world, data has become extremely precious to the companies and with the introduction of AI in the marketing ecosystem, data can now be processed without any hassle whatsoever. AI supplements digital IoT applications by enabling it to be more relative, perspective and analytically sufficient. Experts predicts that number of internet connections will triple by 2050, which implies usage of IoT will only increase in the upcoming decades. This makes it more than necessary to study and research the challenges that IoT brings in our lives and in marketing. A sample of 393 respondents was surveyed to find different roles of IoT and their significance in marketing transformation. Multiple regression was applied to reach to end results. The study concludes that there is a significant impact of IoT in marketing transformation,
Pages: 188-198
Keywords: Digital Marketing, Huge Databases, Security And Safety, Customer Expectations, Purchase Patterns.