Volume 18, No. 3, 2021

A Study Of Re Examined Concept Of Socio-Economic Realism In Aravind Adiga’s Short Stories

Priyadharsini T G P , Dr. S.Mahadevan


Realism is a style of writing that emphasizes on the harsh reality and true sense of local colour of Aravind Adiga, a leading Indian author who has tried to explore and examine the socio-economic reality of India by distinguishing it using two things India of the dark or of that of poor and India of the light that is of the rich; Through this which he tries to solicit some solutions for these challenges. This research paper aims to explore the socio- economic realities that are depicted by Aravind Adiga on the Canvas of literature. This study mainly focuses on the perspective of both stereotype and socio-economics in the short stories of Aravind Adiga,” The Sultan’s Battery” and “The Elephant”. Because stereotype or archetype at certain point leads to the problem of Socio-economics, like how, dowry system works in India. This illegal system which is practiced still now, will take the parents of a daughter directly from heights to the ground as they need to strive longer to achieve it. Ratna of Sultan's battery, is one such person who is affected by it. Another cheap stereotype is that bargaining from poor will make them suffer economically like how Chennayya gets affected in this short story. Aravind Adiga has discussed all these perspectives of class struggle in global world through his works. These discussions are being analysed in this paper in a socio-economic perspective.

Pages: 114-122

Keywords: Stereotypes, Socio-economic reality, Proletarian, Class struggle, Discrimination.

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