Volume 19, No. 1, 2022
Improved Performance Analysis of FSO Communication Link under the effect of Moderate Haze Phenomena and Heavy Haze Phenomena in SDM based on EDFA Pre-amplifier
Mohammed Nasih Ismael
Free Space Optics is of high bandwidth medium, having extreme rate of data. The need for enormous capacity of data speed has exponentially risen up because of the immense internet services widely reached. Thus, by means of the increasing rate of transmission and necessity in the area communication that is optical has turned into costing too much. The primary limitation of the system FSO is environment phenomena which probably indicate to maximum bit error rate (BER) of the system and makes the communication link impractical. However, the environment phenomena such as (moderate haze phenomena and heavy haze phenomena) cause attenuation thus will decrease the distance of communication system. In this paper, different combinations have been apply to improves the strength of weak signal in the free space optics (FSO) communication link under the effect of environment phenomena in spatial division multiplexing (SDM) based on erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (EDFA) Pre-amplifier.
Pages: 4174-4184
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19275
Keywords: Free Space Optics, EDFA Pre-amplifier, Heavy Haze Phenomena, Moderate Haze Phenomena, Spatial Division Multiplexing