Volume 19, No. 1, 2022
Reader Response on Public Figure Opinion in Social Media
Muhammad Hambali, Imam Suyitno, Roekhan and Martutik
The purpose of this study is to describe the public's reception of essays by Indonesian public figures, namely Dahlan Iskan, on social media. The ease with which social media is used to communicate has increased the involvement of the audience in receptive to a work. In fact, audience receptions on social media are often used as a reference in assessing whether or not a work is good. Therefore, research on reader reception on social media is interesting to do. This research uses qualitative methods and the research approach used is reception study. In this study, the theory of active audiences in the form of the encoding-decoding model proposed by Stuart Hall is also used. The results showed that there were three typologies of audiences in receptive to Dahlan Iskan's essays, namely there were four models of readers in receptive to DI essays on social media. The four reader models include (a) dominant-hegemonic readers, (b) negotiating readers, (c) oppositional readers, and (d) recreational readers. The categorization of this reader model is based on the position of the reader towards the text being received. Apart from these four categories, ideological-political readership models are also found, namely readers who are not dominant, negotiating, in opposition, or recreational. Readers of this model respond to the work by relating it to political conditions. Whatever works are received, readers of the ideological-political model always relate the content of the work and comment negatively on the political conditions in Indonesia.
Pages: 4158-4173
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19274
Keywords: Reader Response, Reception, Public Figure, Social Media