Volume 19, No. 1, 2022
Analysis of Patients Data Using Fuzzy Expert System
Ahmad Abdullah Mohammed AL-Mafrji and Ahmed Burhan Mohammed
Many problems are facing many developed and developing countries in the medical field, and the most important of these problems is the analysis and diagnosis of patient data for government and private hospitals. This is due to the lack of experience of medical staff, especially new ones, which affects the provision of correct medical services to patients. It is no secret that these countries are making great efforts to overcome these problems. The study focuses on the use of a fuzzy expert system to analyze patient data based on (age, type of review) to reach the result of the analysis (intensive care, medium care, no care) and this system helps to give advice and good analysis of patient data, which can increase the speed of gaining experience for new and inexperienced medical staff in this field.
Pages: 4027-4034
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19265
Keywords: Fuzzy Expert System, Patients Data, Fuzzy Logic