Volume 15, No 1, 2018
Domain Analysis of D-Lib Magazine: A Bibliometric Study
Ashutosh Agrahari, Chadra Prakash Chaudhary and Syam Narayan Singh
The presented study categorized all articles into research and non-research articles, for analyzing subject coverage of articles and publication trend, and identifying prolific author of D-Lib Magazine of the period 2001-2010. Research and non-research articles were classified under 23 subjects to identify the subject coverage of D-Lib Magazine. The study found a negative growth in both type of articles over the period. Most of the research articles written on Digital library, Repository, Archives, E-resources, Digital Inclusion, Interoperability, Database while Library management, Digital right management system and digital inclusion were the most popular topic among non-research articles. Van de Sompel, H. (Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA) is the most prolific author of the research articles and Arms, W.Y. (Cornell University, USA) for non-research articles.
Pages: 61-76
Keywords: D-Lib Magazine; Journal; Research articles; Non-research article; Prolific Authors