Volume 17, No. 1, 2020
Developing Digital Libraries: Issues And Challenges
Lohit Talukdar
The library has lot of documents. So library gives a lot of services in the user community. Internet services, newspaper clipping services, digitalized document services, digital references services, inter library loan etc are important element of digital library.On the other hand, increasing growth of digital environments as digital library and e-business, digital information is becoming more important in market process. Digital information means delivery information products as e-journal, e-book, e-magazines, digital image, online article database, digital audio video etc.Internet is also being used as very important tool to access free information sources and services. Free online information sources and services can be assessed on internet without paying any subscription change to the publishers and users do not need to have any membership in the organization. With the help of internet, librarians provide access to various types of online digital information to their users, which are freely available on web including institutional Digital Libraries, University Digital Libraries, e-journals, e-book, National Digital Libraries, e-Project etc.Selective list of web resources on Digital Library will be helpful all disciplines and teachers, research scholars, students, digital library users and other activities.Librarian should maintain an index on online e-journal, ebooks and other information sources, which are freely available on the internet in the library to save money and time of their student user in searching the information. So digital library basically stores information mainly in electronic format to disseminate broader user communities.
Pages: 505-511
Keywords: Digital libraries/Electronic Libraries/Virtual Libraries