Volume 18, No. 6, 2021

A Holistic Eclectic Approach To Land Law In Indonesia

Widhi Handoko


Land law in Indonesia is an important matter. Land is a resource that significantly affects people's lives. Therefore, a law is needed to regulate it. Therefore, researchers need to find out about land law in an eclectic-holistic way to understand land lawfully. Researchers used normative juridical methods in collecting data for research. The results of the study found that land law in Indonesia already exists. However, there are still laws that can lead to misinterpretations, making land law need to be reviewed. The government has the authority to regulate land in Indonesia. The government must develop and use the land as best as possible for the welfare of all Indonesian people. All land disputes returned by the government from land rights owners legally need compensation that benefits all parties because the landowner has rights to the land.

Pages: 200-208

Keywords: Land Law, Government, Dispute, Law in Indonesia, Government

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